Poetry.. the language of the soul.

Michael Faudet didn’t fail to prove that. He dedicated a book of raw emotions to his partner Lang, who is also a poet.

Dirty Pretty things is a collection of poems, prose and poetry talking about love and relationships, sometimes erotic prose.

Published in 2016, the book has gained attraction with its unique style. The book contains an index by the end of it dictating each poem title.


The book covers themes of love, lust, loss and search for solace, mainly in someone. Faudet captures these emotions in maze-like words intriguing writers. The poetry Faudet explores is usually called “Tumblr Poetry”, however, the poet doesn’t fail in capturing readers’ attention. Despite the fact the narrative in the beginning seems naive and “teenager” like, it continues to become familiar and resonating.

There are a lot of complexing and different sentiments about the collection and the dismay of a lot is evident. The poetry collection is unique, whether good or bad it is for the reader to judge. However, one should be warned of its themes as readers have different perspectives.

Despite that, the book has been nominated for “Goodreads choice awards” for “Best Poetry” in 2015.

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Worth to mention scenes from the book:

  • Lost Words

A midnight scribble,
a morning sigh,
you watch the words,
curl up and die.

Madness lives
inside your head,
of poems lost,
and pages dead.

A mind possessed,
by unmade books,
unwritten lines
on empty hooks.

  • Stillness

There is a certain stillness, when even gentle flutter of a
butterfly’s wing feels like a hurricane.

The moment when crashing waves fall asleep, peaceful, lost to
the serenity of salty dreams.

When tall trees stand to attention and every leaf pauses, takes a
deep breath and holds it.

It is here, beneath the maddening silence I hear your name.

An echo of you.

  • Love Story

To read in books
of love well told,
leaves nothing
in the meaning.

For the love
we have
is barely held,
between pages
of our reading.