Poetry is all about the words we wish we said yet other authors had the courage to pronounce.

Caitlin Kelly the young poet of the book “the words i wish i said” channelled her courage and wrote about the words her and others wished they said.

“the words i wish i said” published in 2018, gained a lot of attention with rating on Goodreads of 3.58.


With Kelly’s fame and author success, one must not forget about her career success out of poetry and writing. According to her website, Caitlin Kelly is an award-winning filmmaker. The first film she ever won an award for was one she made when she was only 15. With her success in filmmaking, Kelly found herself passionate about writing as well. Her book “the words i wish i said” sold over 70,000 books and is a best-selling on Amazon.

the words i wish i said holds genres of self help, mental health, romance and nonfiction. The 273 poetry book collection has 5 chapters. Chapter 1: saving myself, where the poet talks about the struggles of wrestling your own thoughts but choosing to save yourself because you got your own back. Chapter 2: you will never know, where the author talks about holding onto the fire rope only to finally let go but still wanting the ache of the burn. Chapter 3: the darker pages, where the writer talks about the ashes of what was in flames, the ashes people often overlook and don’t want to face. Chapter 4: realizations, where the author wrote about what it was like looking deeper and facing the truth. Finally, chapter 5: questions of this small world, where the poet raises questions for the world she actually lives in and the world she made up.

The poet takes us through a journey of crying and happinness. Only a poet can invoke such feelings. A fair warning would be of the sincerity and authenticity of the book. The poet did not hold back and maybe now everyone with thoughts they wouldn’t like to speak out loud would feel validated.

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Worth to mention scenes from the book:

  • Chapter 1: saving myself

sticks and stones
may break my bones
words will
hurt me

  • Chapter 4: realizations

he is the poem
i wouldn’t dare
to write
i would push through,
to see the words
i chose
because he
was the one
i was madly in love with
even if i wouldn’t admit it

  • Chapter 5: questions of this small world

if you voice
your thoughts and emotions
and he fears it
then he has no
reason to hear it