One time or another we’ve all been left on read with words we want to say more but never did.

“you left me on read” published in 2023 by akhira talks about all these texts and words left unsaid. The book covers themes of love, heartbreak, and self-discovery. Akhira delves in her book into the sense of being left ignored by being “left on seen”. However, this doesn’t mean on should stay still at that moment.


The book manily consists of 3 parts. The first text, where the poet delves into the “honeymoon” stage where the couple are just falling in love and discovering it. The unsent texts, where the author writes about the heartbreak in a relationship. Falling in love and falling until you “scrape” your heart, until it becomes a need rather than a want and realizing that. Finally, the last text where the author emphasizes that YOU got YOU and there’s always someone who has your back, you. That person is not a moment you should be stuck one, life is waiting, opening new doors.

The poet takes it a step further and adds “messages going back and forth” on a page and the next page is the poem talking about the texts sent and received.

Simply, the poet is a genius. She incorporated different ideas to deliver her message effectively. The author doesn’t fail to include raw emotions in her poetry.

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Worth to mention poems from the book:

  • the first text

one of the most bittersweet feelings has to
be when you realize how much you’re going
to miss a moment while you’re still living in it

  • the unsent texts

if hurting me doesn’t hurt you,
don’t ever tell me you love me

  • the last text

biggest lesson learnt this year
is probably to not give so much
of myself to people who will
not do the same for me